Yes, I can touch mushrooms from the ceiling.
I'm Oguz. But if you have doubts about the pronunciation, you can go with Oz as well.
I am a Covidian designer. Meaning, that my professional life started around Covid-19, quarantines and remote working. So I am not someone who had to change his principles to adapt to this period, but who is born into this. Therefore, every type of remote or online working tool is in my arsenal. Let them be design, workshop, coworking, or meeting related I worked with them. I certainly favour some of them, but who doesn't?
But, do I not like working in physical spaces in the real world? I absolutely do. I live for presenting stuff on stage and, it is not the same when you are in front of a laptop starting with "Can everybody hear me?". Also, if I were to misquote Marilyn Monroe, I believe that "Sketches are a designer's best friend" I love working with a lot of sketches, pen, paper and post-its. They should be fundamental, especially in the UX area. I don't know anything more engaging than a lot of people generating ideas and solving problems in a room with walls full of post-its.
I am much more than fancy screens and pages. If we are to work together, I am the person who will ask a lot of questions to get to the bottom of the issue. Anyone can create pretty screens, with enough googling and browsing through Dribbble, Behance or Instagram. What I offer is a mindset to approach how to solve a problem. My job as a UX Designer is to think of the business requirements, the user needs and to understand human psychology to eventually make sense from the mess.
Moreover, I am a Latin-American dancer, I bake amazing cakes, grow succulents and am sadly allergic to cats.

Milan, Italy / 2019